
The Colours of Autumn: Is
Hunza Overrated?

The colours of Autumn have been a subject of romance and poetry for many poets and litterateurs. The colours of Autumn have been personified with lovers departing by some poets, while others find it bold, homely, and strong. The leaves turning golden is an excellent time for tourists to witness the beauty of nature in the valleys. Autumn in Hunza is an absolute pleasure because I have lived the most precious moments of my life in the autumn season.

Hunza in Autumn Season

The question of whether Hunza is overrated is not justifiable unless someone visits in Autumn. In my opinion, Hunza is underrated in the autumn season. Tourists from different regions of the country and foreign tourists visit the valley mostly in summer to enjoy the weather and the last green valley in the peak season. Hunza in summer is an extreme pleasure to explore the hidden beauty.
However, the valley’s beauty becomes magnificent in Autumn when the trees turn golden, and people with a good sense of tourism start visiting the valley. During my visit to Hunza in Autumn, I enjoyed the vibrant colour palette of the hills and slopes due to leaves and snow, making the scenery more picturesque than any other season.
I love this season in Hunza because of the colours and vibrant tones of orange and red to satisfy shades of yellow, bringing the spectrum of colour and beauty to life.

Hunza Weather in Autumn

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The autumn season normally starts in the second week of October and remains until mid-November every year in Hunza. Hunza Weather in Autumn shows a drop in temperature to 15 degrees Celsius, chilly gusts of wind make everyone energised, and the noise of leaves shedding from the trees makes nature and the surroundings more appealing. I witnessed the orchards slowly changing their colours, which gave me immense pleasure and satisfaction because of my closeness to nature.
The best time to visit Hunza must be Autumn, as one important aspect of Autumn in Hunza is the contrasting features of the snow-covered mountains and thousands of colours of trees in the valley that create a scene that no one wants to miss. The colours of Autumn with a background of snow-capped mountains create a majestic view for the tourist who wants to explore the valley in Autumn. I have witnessed the colours of Autumn throughout the world, but the magical view of Tupopdan behind the colourful trees and valleys is breathtaking.

Final Thoughts

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I have seen Hunza in both summer and Autumn. I can openly confess that Hunza in Autumn is underrated by the people who visit and do not enjoy the serene environment, fresh air, abandoned walkways, locals cheering the tourists, tree leaves of different colours creating a majestic view, the silence and the sound of water channels and leaves falling from trees can never understand the offers from nature. Autumn tourism in Hunza. 

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